Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Honey Ants [Amazing]

Ants Honey / Honey Pot Ant or Latin language myrmecocystus, semut2 are fed by worker ants with aphids digestive waste (leaf insect) called "honey".

This substance is actually not related to ordinary honey. However, effluent digestion ticks that feed on the sap of the plant is so named because they contain high levels of sugar.

So, the workers of this species, called honey ants, collecting honey from fleas, seed (Coccidae), and flowers. Methods of infestation of ants collect very interesting. The ant approaches the lice and began pushing her abdomen. Lice provide a drop of effluent to the ants. Ants started to push the stomach bug again to get more honey, then suck the fluid out. Then how do they take advantage of this sugary foods, and what benefits these foods for them later?

There is great division of labor among honey ants in this phase. Some ants use as a "jar" to hold the nectar gathered by other workers! ...

In each nest contains one queen, workers, and also the container of honey. This type of ant colonies are usually located near the dwarf oaks, which can be taken nektarnya by workers.

Workers nectar swallow it and take it to the nest. Nectar was then he was out of his mouth and he poured into the mouth of the young workers who will accommodate this honey.

These young workers, who called a honey pot, using their own bodies to save the sweet liquid food that is often necessary to get through the difficult colony in the desert.

They are fed until they swell to the size of WINE. Then they hung on the ceiling like a yellow ball, until they called to regurgitate nectar it to his brother who is hungry.

While attached to the ceiling, they look like a small wine groups and translucent. If they fall, the workers returned to its original position. Honey in a pot of honey weighs almost 8 times the weight of the ants.

In the winter or dry season, the workers used to visit honey pots to meet daily food needs. Ant worker put her mouth on the mouth of the "pot", which issued a drop of honey from its storage place with puckered muscle. Workers eat honey that has high nutritional value as food in winter is difficult.

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