Tuesday, November 16, 2010

[Must Know]Unique Facts Behind the World Famous Car Logo

Forms and models of cars are always changing, but there is one thing that almost immortal, logos. Many people menasbihkan themselves as lovers of a certain car, but only a few people who really care about the purpose and history of car logos pet. Logo is not just a symbol of the visual identity of an automotive product. But, the logo has an important function - to introduce products to the world market.

There are three types of car logo that is now known, berbentu symbols, text, or a combination. Clearly, there is a specific purpose or story behind a logo that could be intriguing. These stories and interesting facts behind the logo of the world's top cars.

Mercedes Benz


Mercedes star logo triangles have a special meaning - the dominance of companies that include land, sea, and air. While the Mercedes name comes from an Austrian businessman and automobile lovers, Emil Jellinek. He had a son named Mercedes.

Jellinek did not just sell cars Daimler-Motored-Gesellschaft (DMG), but participated in the first motor race in Germany. At that time he was driving a vehicle that made DMG behind his pseudonym, Mercedes. At that time, Mercedes refers to the name of the team and driver. However, today is the result of a merger of two Mercedes car company, Daimler-Motored-Gesellschaft or DMG, founded by Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach, and Benz & Cie, founded by Karl Benz.

Current logo, star in a circle, introduced for the first time in 1937.



German engineer, August Hoch founded the company A. Horc & Cie in 1899. A decade later, he was forced to leave the company he founded. No broken charcoal, along with his business partner, Franz Fikentscher, he founded a new company.

When discussing his new company name, Fikentscer son who was studying Latin in a corner of the room to ask the meaning of 'audiatur et Altera pars' [not a good idea to call it instead Horch Audi? The word 'Horc' is the abbreviation of the word 'heard' in German. While Audi is a Latin word which also means 'hear'.

Then, in 1932, four companies namely, Audi, Hoch, DKW, and Wanderer merged into one company, Auto Union. Then the chosen form of four-ring logo of the mesh, a symbol of unification of the four companies that became the pride as well as a mercy to them until today.



Other logos interest is the BMW. Tangible circle divided into four with two colors, white and blue criss-cross the sky. It symbolizes the airplane propeller spinning in the sky blue.

Symbols that are relevant to the history of BMW as the main supplier of aircraft engines, such as 'Red Baron' for the German government during World War I. In 1918, when the world war ended, the German government to stop the demand for aircraft engines in the BMW.

The condition of no choice at that time, it makes the BMW creating. Business direction changed. The company began by making the train brakes, and motor bikes, motorcycles, and then the car - a world-wide.



There are two stories about the Chevrolet logo, 'bowtie'. The first, the company's founder, William C. Durant inspired wallpaper in a hotel in France. He tore it to be used as a logo.

Different versions of the story came from his wife. It is said, bowtie emblem inspiration came from a Virginia newspaper - when they were vacationing in Hot Springs, Virginia, circa 1912.



The symbol 'Cavallino Rampante' aka Ferrari Prancing Horse did have an interesting story. The symbol was originally the emblem of the Italian aviators in the Second World War. The symbol is used also Franceco Baracca - Italian aviator who was killed in the war.

When Enzo Ferrari started his car company, he uses these logos on racing cars Alfa Romeo, at the instigation of parents Baracca. Then, the 'Prancing Horse' not only is installed in the Ferrari car. Its popularity exceeded that predicted. Now, the logo of Ferrari can be found on the bike, t-shirts, and anything imaginable.



Car logos from the United States is modest, with the letter 'Ford' is highlighted. This logo has been used for more than 50 years.

The form letter was introduced Harold Wills - a close colleague Henry Ford. As a teenager, Wills make money by creating a business card. When his partner, Henry Ford was looking for a logo for his company, Wills held out his old printing set and model letters used in his youth to print business cards.

In 1912, an oval circle added to the Ford logo. In 1927, the logo is also experiencing growth, the color to blue. Final logo - a blue oval was released in 2003 to honor 100 years of Ford Motor Company.



Some car logo reflects the tastes of the owner. One of these logos 'raging bull' in the Lamborghini. The company's founder, Ferrucio enthusiast Lamborghini is the matador, as to choose it as the logo of a company car.

Many car Lamborghini bull named that have been awarded in world events.



The company was founded by Louis Renault Renault when the 21-year-old. Logo first three letters of the company is ahead of Renault brothers, Louis, Ferdinand and Marcel.

The company also has a special logo for military tanks - after the company's production of light tanks Renault FT-17 popular during World War I.

Logo diamond shape was introduced in 1925 and redesigned in 1972 by renowned designer Victor Vasarely. The current logo, a diamond surrounded by a yellow square is a symbol of quality.



Simple but effective, which describes the Volkswagen logo. VW logo is a logo of a car is the simplest and most rapid known in the world. V-shaped logo on the letter W with a blue circular background. Volkswagen in German means 'people's car'.

This logo is derived from the results of the competition which was won by Franz Reimspiess. Volkswagen has interesting historical background - began in the 1930s, the era of Nazi Germany.

Hitler's idea to start car production at affordable prices to the public. Hitler and Gercinand Porsche Volkswagen beetle car out of ideas that can carry two adults and three young children.

However, automobile manufacturers producing more beetle military vehicles rather than cars for the people - uncover the intention behind the real Hitler.



Volvo means 'I roll' in Latin. Volvo word comes from Latin word 'volvere' which means to spin. Volvo logo is the ancient symbol for iron - the circle with an arrow pointing diagonally upwards to the right. This symbol also represents the 'Mars' god of war. Volvo Cars is also traditionally known for its safety features.

Ancient symbol of iron is used to also reflect the strong tradition of Swedish iron industry. Volvo logo mounted on a blue background. After the defeat of Germany in the war, Britain took over the Volkswagen factory and tried to sell it.

At first, people refuse VW beetle design, which is considered inferior. However, VW managed to prove himself, Volkswagen Beetle into one of the best-selling car in the world.



South Korean car company has a slogan 'Drive your way' has a logo of the letter 'H' surrounded by an oval shape - describe a strong desire for global companies.

The letter H is tilted and stylish, also illustrates the symbol of two people - a representation company and customer - shaking hands.



From a distance, the logo similar to Toyota's letter 'T' which means 'Toyota'. However, if closer inspection, the Japanese car logo consists of three oval shapes. Two interlocked oval that resembles the letter 'T' represents a relationship of mutual benefit and mutual trust between the customer and Toyota.

Background of the larger oval illustrates the development of technological advancement and unlimited opportunity for companies to go forward.

1 comment:

  1. There are quite interesting stories behind the logos of different car manufacturers. But its amazing to read that how did they got the idea. Thanks for this informative post...


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