Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Isolated tribes ritual that is very scary

Deep in the Amazon jungle there are interesting side of manhood rituals of the tribe Satere-Mawe. The young men of the tribe Satere-mawe should include hands into the "glove" which is made of webbing that is full of ants bullet (bullet ant) to reach their maturity. And it was done for about 10 minutes without screaming and be conducted over many times, even can reach 20 times. Ants placed on gloves made of woven plant, with its needle pointing fangs into. Previously, these ants have been given fluids enacting ants unconscious. Once the ants are aware, began the ritual.

According to the "Schmidt sting pain index" from amazon famous bullet ants have the most painful sting of all other types of ants all over the world. The skin will burn when exposed felt the sting of this ant stings and the pain will last for 24 hours.

2. Mardudjara Circumcision - Australian aborigines

Ritual circumcision tribe Mardudjara is a bit different than usual. When the young men had approached the tribe Mardudjara adult age, the youth in required to be circumcised, which is around age 15-16 years. In a ritual circumcision is the youth ditelentangkan near a campfire, then the chest of the boy has been occupied by the head of the tribe with the pubic facing these youth. Then the skin on his cock cut with a knife who had dijampi-spell. But the ritual does not stop here. After the cutting process is completed the chiefs ordered the boy to open his mouth and then the young man in leather cock required to swallow their own without having to chew.

3. Maasai warrior – Kenya, Tanzania

The young Maasai tribes of Kenya and Tanzania have a series of transition rites which brought the boys into manhood. Around age 10 or 15 years will be the new soldiers.  The night before the ceremony, each boy would be shown sleeping in the forest and return at dawn. After returning to the village, they were required to drink milk in which is mixed with cow blood and then in circumcision. Once circumcised, all Maasai tribe would consider himself a man, hero, and protector of his village.

4. Land Diving Vanuatu, south pacific island

Bungee jumping, everyone must have been familiar with this extreme sport, but in Vanuatu, bungee jumping, presented other than we normally encounter. In the harvest season around the months from April to May, held a ritual of manhood by the tribes of Vanuatu in the Pacific islands. Where The young men who grew up climbing required construction wood poles as high as 30 feet even more, then jumped from the top with a velocity of approximately 72km / h. Who hold them is merely a creeping plant that is made into a long rope is only tied in the second leg. Wrong calculation of mean lives lost! Worse yet, in this ritual at least the head must touch the ground. This ritual has existed at least since 15 centuries ago, this ritual aims to sacrifice for their gods for an abundant harvest and also to prepare our youth to mature into real men.


5. Sambia – Papua New Guinea

Sambia tribe in remote Papua new guinea has a ritual of manhood that is unique and extreme. At the beginning of the boys who were 7 years old will be separated from her mother and placed in a hut that all were male. Once separated from the women, young children will mengikutii some fairly dangerous ritual. The first is the bloodletting of the nose with a sharp grass menusukan way into the boy's nose until the blood flowed profusely. And then the children are beaten by many adult males. The second is the children are required to drink water in the sperm of the elders, tribal elders Sambia. The purpose of this ritual is to strengthen their children and prepare them for life as a soldier.

6. Mandan hook hanging – Native American

The native Americans called the Indians have different rituals, different in each tribe, and a rather interesting is the Mandan tribe. Before the ritual was held, the men at the Mandan tribe required to fast for 3 days to rid the body of impurities.  Later in the day ritual performed, chairman of the tribe would link their chests with 2 pieces of wood sticks and tied with two ropes then hang from the ceiling of the tent and not allowed to scream or cry until the young man was unconscious.  After the tribal leader was convinced that the young man was unconscious, then the young man in the release of the latch buffer.


  1. That's fucking sick god damn it ;\

  2. What the hell is wrong with these people? So glad I don't live in a tribe.


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