Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Insects that instinct to kill Very Strong

Insects that instinct to kill Very Strong

We recognize insects as one species with the most population on this earth. Of the many insects, there is a harmless, but some are dangerous.

Well, insects below may indeed designed as a perfect killing machine, even they may be much more efficient and better than other creatures.

Insect below seems indeed designed as a perfect killing machine. Indeed, most are harmless to humans, but some insects can cause serious injury to humans.

1. Robber flies

We all certainly no stranger to fly - flies flying around us. Flies are more commonly known as a carrier of disease germs, even from the school, the flies are considered as animals that harm humans. Flies that we often see at home is just one of many fly species ever found.

According to scientists, about 120,000 species of flies have been identified and some of them are deadly predators completely different with the flies that we often encounter, and robber flies are one of them.
These flies have a keen vision, can fly at high speed, and catch their prey in the air. When the fly gets its prey, he will inject a nerve poison and digestive juices through the mouth which is designed in such a way, then he will suck the prey body fluids to dry.
Almost all types of small insects are a prey of these flies, even jairng strong spiders are not able to restrain the rate of this fly. Although these flies have a poison, but it is not harmful to humans, only if bitten by these flies, then the pain would be inflicted extraordinary.

2. Tiger Beetles

Everybody knows if the cheetah is the fastest animal on earth that can run up to 115 km / h. Compared with these tiger beetles, would be very much the comparison because the beetle is only able to run with maximum speed of 8 km / h.

But wait, if this beetle size equal to the cheetah, then the cheetah will catch beetles struggling is because he is able to run as fast as 500km / h and probably will replace the cheetah as the fastest animal on earth, even supersport cars would be difficult to mass-made chase.
That is a glimpse of the capabilities of this beetle. I was so fast he moves, until - until he had to stop several times to determine the location of prey.
Once he determines the location of its prey, she ran quickly to grab prey. Besides relying on speed as a weapon to kill prey, the beetle also has a strong jaw.
Because of extraordinary ability, beetles are used by humans to control pests such as caterpillars, grasshoppers and other insects.

3. Grasshopper
Grasshopper is one of the best insect killer with physical support which support it as a true predator. Although the species is also a lot, but praying mantis or mantis is famous for its specially designed front legs to catch prey.
These insects rely on camouflage to wait for its prey with its body and when prey through, he will immediately ambushed by a high speed. Praying mantis usually prey animals - a small animal. This insect is also known to eat their prey directly because he also has a strong jaw.

4. Bee

This giant-sized bees are insects that live in the Asian region. Insects which is the mortal enemy of praying mantis has a sting that is large enough to kill a profit - a big profit like the tarantula. These bees possess a higher dose of venom from any bee, which can cause death to humans if stung by these bees in large quantities.
In Japan itself, these bees kill at least 40 people in a year and make people scared. Tiger Bees actually only use sengatnya as self defense, and to hunt prey, they use powerful jaws to menbunuh smaller prey.
There is a story about bees, a beekeeper from the European honey bee Tigers try to combine this with a kind of honey bees in order to cross the two types of bees for honey production more because of the size of tiger bee larger than honey bees.
But what happened? Bees tiger who only numbered a few are destroying all of the honey bee colony in just a few days.
No one was left honey bees, all bees were killed by a tiger, while the European honey bee colonies totaling about 30,000 bees. Maybe that's fierce portrayal of how these bees, but bees are not the strongest type of bees because of the Japanese honeybee has tricks and special way to kill this tiger bee.
First they'll swarm of bees surrounded the tiger, and then by relying on their numbers are many, they form a dense ball-shaped formation and swarm of bees surrounded the tiger.
Japanese honey bees then begin to flap their wings faster, giving rise to heat in the formation of the ball until the temperature reaches 47 degrees Celsius.
At this temperature, tiger bee trapped in the formation of solid ball was not going to mempu survive and will die slowly. Proverb sky above the sky still seems really suited to this story.

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