Saturday, November 20, 2010

[HOT]Insular dwarfism: 12 Organism Evolved Being Pygmy

Here are 12 species of living creature that evolved at the time initially has a large size up to now a small but attractive species, rare, and too often threatened or extinct.

1. Little People of Flores

Homo floresiensis ("Man of Flores", nicknamed Hobbit) is the name given by a group of researchers to species of the genus Homo, which has a body and a small brain volume, according to serial subfosil (the remains of the body that has not fully fossilized) from nine individuals who found in Liang Bua, Flores Island, in 2001. The nine remaining bone showed the highest waist-length posture of modern humans (about 100 cm). Anthropology experts from Australia and Indonesia combined team argued using a variety of characteristics, both the size of the skull, bone size, framework conditions that are not fossilized, as well as the findings of the remaining bones of animals and tools around it. Age series this framework is expected to come than 94,000 to 13,000 years ago. The team that discovered H. floresiensis is believed that the species is an example of insular dwarfism, with their growth constrained by the limited choice of food on the island.

2. Three Nails sloth

People's opinions will be diverse if they see the sloth, which will be divided menjad some people think that they are sweet, while others find them really scary. This animal, found only on a small island near Isla Escudo de Veraguas Panama, where a small labih species from other types of sloth, and funny when swimming

3. Mammonth Channel Islands

When you hear the word "mammoth", you'll think of something really big. But Mammoth Channel Island is a tiny creature weighing 2000 pounds, but more dwarf than 20,000 pounds ancestors, which is a Columbian Mammoth. The remains of this species, that grows in island ecosystems-rosae now largely submerged Santa off the California coast, was first discovered in 1856.

4. Pygmy elephants

Not the same type of elephant at the present moment where ormaol size large enough, dwarf elephant is very small in size where the ecosystem is similar to dwarf human discovered on Flores Indonesia

5. Channel Island Wolves

This type of wolf first evolved from Gray Fox when they move to the islands off the California coast for more than 10,000 years ago and faced with limited resources. They are easy prey for hawks, and also very susceptible to parasites and diseases brought from the mainland.

6. Pygmy Hippo

size almost equal to the size of the pigs in the present, where like a whale, pygmy hippopotamus is also an animal that likes to be in the water and where in the present number only 3000 in Libya

7. Bali tiger

Bali tiger (Panthera tigris balica) is a subspecies of tiger are already extinct and once inhabited the island of Bali, Indonesia. This tiger is one of three sub-species of tiger in Indonesia, together with Java tiger (also extinct) and Sumatran tiger (endangered species). Tiger tiger is the smallest of the three sub-species; last tiger was shot in 1925, and sub-species was declared extinct on September 27, 1937. Sub-species is extinct because of habitat loss and hunting

8. Cozumel Island Raccoon

Weighing only about 8-9 pounds, this animal looks exactly like their mainland relatives, except for their small size, black bands around their necks and golden yellow tail. They lived on the island of Cozumel off the coast of Yucutan Peninsula in Mexico, and less than 300 tails. This animal is also the relatives of the mongoose, and a dwarf species of gray fox is also found on the island.

9. Balearic Islands Cave Goat

This animal has only 19.5 cm high isolation of the island in the Mediterranean led to the development of some species such as crocodiles, goats are able to grow with flexible rates, stop the process of growth when food is not available. As far as scientists know, these goats are the only mammal ever to adapt in this way, and may help goat survived for five million years before brought to extinction by human hunters.

10. Little Bull In Mindoro

One of the rare species. Originally found throughout the island of Mindoro in the Philippines, the target population has been dramatically reduced by human civilization, hunting and logging. In fact, the appearance of this mini buffalo is not rare that scientists know little about the ecology. Once declared as a critically endangered species, Mindoro buffalo population has increased, and very encouraging.

11. Tiny Crocodiles

Bernissartia, prehistoric reptiles from the early period Cretacious about 130 million years ago. Smaller than a house cat, Bernissartia looks like a modern crocodile but the jaw is more suitable to fish than to drag a grown man under the water.

12. Deer Key

Deer of this type may not be too many around much longer, this animal is a relative of the white-tailed deer came out on top of about 75 kilograms and horn man with a white pattern on his body. Because the hunting of man, their habitat has shrunk to a lower population, and they swim from one island to another to find fresh water.

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