Saturday, November 13, 2010

6 Surprising stimuli Point

Did you start off style with a partner when the passion started to hit? Try some new points below to burn your passion with the couple shortly before having sex!

Warm enough to make the event "special" so you feel special. In addition to heating, knowledge about the six-point stimulation (sexy spots) under this new more exciting to you and your partner.

1. Sacrum (in women)

Why point it excite? 
Reason: "The sacrum is a small area around the spine, precisely on the buttocks, which has a sensitive nerve that is connected with the genitals," said Mark Michael and Patricia Johnson, author of The Essence of Tantric Sexuality.

The assumption was also supported by a study that proves, if the nerves on the part stimulated, will produce or rather helped achieve orgasm in women up to 91 percent. Wow!

How to: Take a position on his stomach and have a husband or partner to press your sacrum section. It could also provide a light massage on the section.

"Gentle and light pressure will stimulate the sensitive nerves and enhance the flavor of hot women around the genitals," says Michael Gach, Ph.D., founder of the Acupressure Institute, was quoted as Acupressure. Com.

2. Nipples breasts (in men)

Why point it excite?
Reason: Apparently men have nipples sensory nerves as much with women's breast nipple. If the nipple is usually the man who plays a woman when making love, now try the opposite.

How: Try to play with your fingers gently around the nipple husband or partner. If your husband feel aroused, continue to pinch or clamp light with a finger.

Believe me, your partner will be more excited about it.

3. Big toe (on women)

Why point it excite?
Reason: You know, the big toe without conscious women will participate sway if aroused or orgasm? This is because of the sensitive nerves that connect between the big toe with the genitals. "Stimulating the big toe is shown to lead to orgasm in some women," said Johnson.

How: Ask your partner to suck your big toe, a standard moment of lovemaking. It could also ask the couple to clamp the sides of your big toe with her fingers while doing gentle massaging motion.

According to research, massaging motion on the big toe area can affect the female genital organs.

4. Soles of the feet (in men)

Why point it excite?
Reason: The point of stimulation on the soles of the feet are not only owned by women, but also men. According to Michaels and Johnson, the soles of the feet is a sensitive part in men. Stimulated sensation of the soles of the feet will naturally increase male sex drive.

How: Try to do gentle massage on acupressure points on the soles of your husband's foot. Located around the toes, especially the third finger (ring finger). "Provides gentle pressure and hold it for a few seconds can increase the stimulation of the foot toward the male sex," says Gach.

Alternatively, gently rub your feet with your husband or your partner's hands or the face. Therefore, make sure before doing this ritual, you and your partner are in a clean condition so that your foot bath alias decent rub.

5. Navel (in women) point it excite?
Reason: In women, the navel and the clitoris has many similarities. While still in the womb, they grow from the same network, so that both are connected by the same nerve when she grows up. "If you do not believe, just try to play your finger in the navel. The sensation will be felt through your genitals," said Johnson.

How: Ask your husband or partner to play the tongue or fingers to get into the curve of your belly button. It could also ask him to kiss your belly button up to two or three inches below the navel. "These stimuli will be about three acupressure points called ocean energy, which is associated with satisfaction and female fertility," says Gach.

6. Nose (in men and women)

Why point it excite?
Reason: In addition to the lips, nose has a lot of tip saral very sensitive compared with other body parts on your face. Plus, the nose has a network that can lead to sexual arousal when stimulated.

However, be careful, stimulating the nasal area can make you and your partner flu disease or disorder nose if one has a problem with the nose. Therefore, do touch it if you both really healthy, free alias flu disorders.

How: Try to bite each other with a soft and mild nasal tip mate. It could also rub each other, known as Eskimo-style kiss. Stimulate each other in this way can make either or both of you catch a cold. However, if the passion is burning, who cares. The important thing is good, right?

How, enough to make you inspired to try it out?

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