Thursday, November 11, 2010

5 Earth creature who may be able to live in Outer Space

There must be a question in our minds, "Is there any living creatures on this earth that can live and survive on other planets?" If we are talking about human beings, maybe not. But if other creatures that might be. Five creatures of the earth below may be able to answer that question.
To survive, human beings always need life-support elements, such as a crucial one, namely oxygen. However, some living creature on earth has yet another characteristic that is quite unique and allows them to live in extreme conditions in space there.

1. Living in the Ice Worm Methane
If you see the shape, maybe we will remember with one of the creatures in Alien movies. However, a creature that looks pretty awful this is actually a creature of the earth.


This creature is actually a worm that lived in methane ice sheets, which pushed to the surface of the seabed near the coast of Mexico. Ice Methane Hydrate is a gas that occurs naturally at high pressures and low temperatures on the deep seafloor.
According to experts from Pennsylvania State University, the discovery of this worm has raised the speculation about extraterrestrial life.

Erin McMullin, one of the researchers who helped find the worm, said, "It was fun when we are busy speculating about life on other planets, we instead continue to find new life forms that seem to not come from planet Earth."
Then, if we give a new place for him in outer space, where is the best place for him? The answer is Titan, one of Saturn's moon.
Titan, there is a sea of methane in layers. If we put this worm on Titan, there is a chance he can survive by inhabiting the ice layer.

2. The Able Living Beings In vacuum
After seeing the photo below, probably most of you will be remembered with the word "bear". No one did, but being funny is not a bear, he was named "Tardigrade". Its resemblance to a bear, he is also often called by the name Bear water.

Different from the big bear land, these creatures have only about half a millimeter long. This makes it not visible to the naked eye.
But remember, do not ye judge them only from the mere size alone. This micro creature living beings is one of the most resilient in the face of this Earth.

He has more capabilities, which can enter into a state of perfect silence, called "TUN". In these conditions, these creatures can withstand the temperature fluctuations, even the most extreme ones.
In 2008, several tail Tardigrade participate was sent into space, and proved that they can even survive in a vacuum. So, if we take it off into space, it is possible that these creatures can dwell mengarunginya to find a suitable place for him.

3. Giant worm eaters Sulfur
These creatures live on the edge of a super volcano heat deep in the ocean floor. And he ate sulfur bacteria carried by the local.
This giant worm can grow up to 2.1 meters long and can live 5 miles below sea level in conditions of extreme pressure. Their bodies are dominated by red color. This is because of the large veins that contain blood in it.

What's interesting about this worm is its ability to withstand extreme heat and still be able to receive adequate necessities of life.
Where a suitable place for him in outer space? This creature may live on Venus, where there is a remarkable source of sulfur that much there.

4. Antarctic Microbes Iron Eater
Blood flowed freely in the Antarctic. Is there a massive slaughter of animals is in progress there? Apparently not! Red element turned out to microbes that dwell in the body of water that is trapped beneath a layer of ice.

According to Nature magazine, "This fluid has been trapped in glaciers for at least 1.5 million years. In it, there are at least 30 kinds of bacteria which each have unique chemical movement."
According to one researcher called Mikucki, these microbes use sulfate as a catalyst in a complex chain reaction which ultimately is the iron electron acceptor.
"This is an example of how an ecosystem managed to survive even though covered by darkness and heavy ice. Life Finds a Way."
With these characteristics, then these microbes may live on Europa, one of Jupiter's moons have oceans are rich in iron under a thick layer of ice.

5. The Ability Of Bacteria Survive Radiation
D. Radiodurans is the name of this bacterium. He was able to survive the radiation dose a thousand times stronger than a human acceptable dose. This capability is the acquisition because of its DNA recovery system is unique.
Man who received radiation generally died, because the radioactive particles to destroy DNA. As a result the body's regulatory system was halted.

However, not with this bacterium, miraculously he was able to rearrange its DNA that has been destroyed.
One of the problems encountered when humans try to live on the moon or Mars, is the existence of a fairly deadly radiation. If the bacteria are released in space, then the radiation that there will not be able to affect the body.
So if one day we might have been able to explore outer space with its planets, do not be surprised if one day we can find a creature like this in there. Probably. Why not?
with its planets, do not be surprised if one day we can find a creature like this in there.
Probably. Why not?

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