Saturday, November 13, 2010

9 Essential food-like Organs


Cut mushrooms into two equal parts yag .. and child-like ears. And you know, that adding mushrooms to the dish you can help menungkatkan pendenaran. This is because the fungus is one of the diet foods that contain vitamin D. This vitamin is essential for bone strength, even for the part and small, such as the ear bones are "channeling" sound to the brain


Refresh your day and smile with eating bananas. This fruit contains a protein called tryptophan, which once digested, the protein is chemically converted into serotonin. This substance is an important substance in the brain in regulating mood and is a potent anti-depressant drugs to enhance serotonin production. Good mood means that Perfect Day

3. Broccoli - CANCER

Viewed in more detail, it will brololi shaped like hundreds of cancer cells. In the scientists realized that broccoli has a crucial role in preventing this disease. In 2009, U.S. National Cancer Ins. found that eating broccoli regularly every 1 week to prevent Canker by 45%. In the UK, prostate cancer kills one person every 1 hour

4. GINGER - Stomach

Ginger is commonly found in Indonesia and shaped like the hull. Which is very interesting is the ability to help digestion. In China, ginger has been used for more than 2000 years as a drug to calm the stomach and nausea - nausea, while others can function to prevent drunk. However, the benefits of a more distant, it was discovered by a team of University of Minnesota, where the injection of compounds containing ginger may reduce the risk of colon tumors.

5. CHEESE - Bones

Cheese, like Emmenthal, not just good for your bones, even they have the same structure as your bones. hole - hole. Cheese has a very high calcium content, which is an essential ingredient for strong bones and prevent osteoporosis. coupled with other minerals, phosphates, would yield strength in the bones and increase your muscle strength. Having enough calcium in childhood, is very crucial to bone strength. Study by University of New York in Colombia shows teenagers who consume 800-kalsiom 1,200 per day managed to increase bone density up to 6%

6. Grapes - LUNGS

Lung - our shoes made of branches - branches that grew smaller cans end up in bubbles - small bubbles, called alveoli. This grape-like structures that allow oxygen to flow raid lungs - lungs into the blood stream. One of the reasons why babies are born prematurely are not terbentukna alveoli after 24 weeks of pregnancy.
Diet with fresh fruit such as grapes, may reduce the risk of lung cancer - lung and emphysema. Grapes contain chemicals called proanthocyanidin which can reduce the effects akibal allergic asthma.

7. Tomato - HEART

Graduation usually is red and has 4 parts, just like our heart. Tomatoes contain lycopene, a very large and is a chemical substance from plants that can reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers. Women's Health Center - America's research program - found that women with high levels of lycopene in the blood have a risk of heart attack 30% smaller than that has little lycopene. In addition, lycopene is also against bad cholesterol.

8. Walnut - BRAIN

fold - fold in walnuts / walnut has a shape very similar to the human brain is the clue to the function itself walnuts. Walnut is one - the only nuts that contain omega-3 fatty acids. This substance is able to reduce the risk of dementia. the researchers found that walnuts can inhibit the aging brain in mice and prevent Alzheimer penyakiy.

9. Carrot - EYES

Potongen carrots have a shape similar to the eye, particularly the retina. This is a clear indication of the function of carrots on the eye. Carrots get orange color of the substance called betacarotene, which reduces the risk of cataracts. The combination of several chemical elements with a carrot has a unique function for the benefit of your eye.

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