Thursday, December 9, 2010

Top 10 Devil’s Plants Around the World

What looks red all over and has a long tongue and tail, a pair of horns on his head and holds a huge fork? This creature is very bad that’s why he was banished to a very hot place called hell. The Devil has always been depicted as a creature looking like this. Any of the description above was probably how these plants get their names..

Devil’s weed
Devil weed3 Top 10 Devil’s Plants

The devil’s weed or datura stramonium plant. The tropane alkaloids in the plant can cause powerful visual and audio hullucinations in those who eat it and leave them in a trance-like or delirious state which can last for several days. The plant can also cause seizures and death.

Devil’s ivy
Devil ivy2 Top 10 Devil’s Plants
Also known as the Golden Pothos and scientifically termed as Epipiremnum Aureum, the Devil’s ivy is a beautiful vine plant with leaves that are marbled and golden in color as per the name. Even if this plant is not taken care off, it thrives on and continues growing. This plant acts as an excellent natural anti-pollutant against common pollutants like benzene, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide. However, you should take care that this plant is not ingested in any way even by your own pet dog.

Devil’s Tongue
Devil Tongue2 Top 10 Devil’s Plants
Also known as konjak, konjaku, voodoo lily, snake palm, or elephant yam, is a perennial plant that has been used in China and Japan for over 2,000 years. The starchy tuber, a member of the yam family, is not unlike taro, hence its Chinese name mo yu, which means ‘devil’s taro’. In Japan it is known as ‘devil’s tongue’ or konnyaku. Through a complicated process similar to the making of tofu, the large brown roots are peeled, boiled, mashed and then mixed with dissolved limestone to coagulate.

Devil’s Club
Devil Club2 Top 10 Devil’s Plants
Also called Devil’s walking stick and for good reason…the plant is covered with sharp spiny thorns.  Also called Echinopanax horridum.  It is in the Araliaceae (or Aralia) family and very closely related to Ginsing. The berries are poisonous but have been used to kill lice by mashing them up and applying the paste to the hair.  This also treats dandruff and makes the hair shiny.

Devil’s Beggar-tick
Devil Beggar tick2 Top 10 Devil’s Plants
Devil’s Beggar-tick is one of several species of beggar-tick, plants with seeds that “hitch a ride” on animals and clothing. Each fruit is loaded with tiny flat seeds. Each seed has two barbs (like a fishhook) which will catch on anything soft that brushes against it. Most often seeds grab onto animal fur or a person’s clothing. Because of the plant’s height, people usually end up picking seeds, sometimes called “hitchhikers,” from their socks. Seeds are also eaten by ducks and other birds.

Creeping Devil
Creeping Devil2 Top 10 Devil’s Plants
Creeping Devil (Stenocereus eruca)  is one of the most distinctive cacti, a member of the relatively small genus Stenocereus. Creeping Devil lies on the ground and grows at one end while the other end slowly dies, with a succession of new roots developing on the underside of the stem. This traveling chain of growth gives rise to the name eruca, which means “caterpillar” as well as the common name Creeping Devil.

Devil’s Tongue Hot  Pepper
Devils Tongue2 Top 10 Devil’s Plants
The peppers are beginning to turn some beautiful colors. This plant is called the ‘Devils Tongue’. Devils Tongue – extremely hot; Habanero Elongated Type; 2 to 3 inches long by 1 to 1.5 inches wide; matures from green to golden yellow; pendant pods; green leaves; 30 to 36 inches tall; Late Season; this pepper is outrageously hot!

Devil’s Claw
Devils Claw2 Top 10 Devil’s Plants
Devil’s claw does not have an odor, but it contains substances that make it taste bitter. It is a leafy perennial with branching roots and shoots. It has secondary roots, called tubers, that grow out of the main roots. The roots and tubers are used for medicinal purposes. Devil’s Claw – used to treat inflammation, relieve pain and swelling, as well as, treat water retention. Devil’s Claw has also been used for liver, gall bladder and kidney ailments, lymphatic system toxicity, diabetes, respiratory ailments and indigestion.

Devil’s Tongue Barrel
Cactus flower (Ferocactus latispinus - Devil's Tongue Barrel)
The Devil’s Tongue Barrel or Crows Claw Cactus is quite popular because it blooms very early with pinkish purple or yellow flowers. They come in late autumn to early winter and need moderate amount of bright sunlight to form. It got its name from the bigger thorn that grows in the center of all the thorn rosettes.

Devil’s Backbone
Devils Backbone2 Top 10 Devil’s Plants
Devil Backbone is also known as the Variegated Devil’s Backbone, Redbird Cactus, Slipper Flower and Jacob’s Ladder. The botanical name is Pedilanthus tithymaloides ‘Variegatus’ and it is a most unusual plant. Although it looks like it should be growing in an aquarium, the common name of Devil’s backbone is apt for this plant, since the stems of each alternate leaf bend left or right, producing a mischievous zigzag effect.  The fleshy stems and leaves of the Pedilanthus contain an acrid milky sap which can cause skin irritation and is especially harmful to eyes and open cuts. It is difficult to wash off and will cause an upset stomach, if ingested.

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