Friday, December 31, 2010

Clever Speed Limit Device

I can say that most of drivers will be fooled by this speed control device. Continue reading you’ll find the secret. Clever!


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Creative WTF

Simple illustrations can also impress us if they are creative enough. Argentinean creative company Estudio Minga has shown us such illustration series titled “WTF”. Each of the series is well executed and contains a simple story. With the series, Estudio Minga shows the world just how creative they could be. Let’s have a look at the interesting pictures here.

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[Unique]Salvador Dali Clock

Salvador Dali Clock is a really surrealistic design and I can say it is something that will impress anyone. It looks like a wall clock and acts like a wall clock. But look again and it seems like someone’s mixed the numerals out of synch. Time itself seems to be all mixed-up, as though the clock face has been in a blender. Yet the trick is in the spacing of the hands. Evenly spaced, the clock tells the time accurate to the nearest second… it’s merely your eyes that need to adjust. This clock can be purchased from Gadgetshop.


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[Unique]Steampunk Laptop

What do you think about this Steampunk Laptop designed by Richard R. Nagy. I think that is a really elegant and innovative design and I was thrilled when I saw these pictures. At a first glance, this may look like a Victorian music box, but inside this intricately hand-crafted wooden case lives a Hewlett-Packard ZT1000 laptop that runs both Windows XP and Ubuntu Linux. I love this creation, especially the addition of a pen holder and a ball-point quill pen on the end of the wireless card.




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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

[Unique]Diamond Light

The “luxury” diamond light designed by Eric Therner. It can be yours for only 29 Euro.

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[Unique]High-voltage Electrical Pylon Shaped Like Human Figures

“Land of Giants” is a conceptual high-voltage electrical pylon design shaped like human figures created by American firm Choi + Shine Architects.“The pylon-figures can be configured to respond to their environment with appropriate gestures. As the carried electrical lines ascend a hill, the pylon-figures change posture, imitating a climbing person. Over long spans, the pylon-figure stretches to gain increased height, crouches for increased strength or strains under the weight of the wires.In addition, the pylon-figures can also be arranged to create a sense of place through deliberate expression. Subtle alterations in the hands and head combined with repositioning of the main body parts in the x, y and z-axis, allow for a rich variety of expressions. The pylon-figures can be placed in pairs, walking in the same direction or opposite directions, glancing at each other as they pass by or kneeling respectively, head bowed at a town.”


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[Unique]Custom Cardboard Furniture

Nikki of WhiMSy Love created this set of unique custom cardboard furniture that makes her living area more funny. From designer: I cut out cardboard shapes from the boxes, outlined the shapes with black paint & filled in the details. I even printed out a photo of her hubby & 3 boys back at home & stuck it in a cardboard frame. Everything is adhered to the wall with duct tape. I wrapped a smaller box in brown paper before painting it & created a nightstand she could actually use to set stuff on.


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[Unique]Shifter Faucet Designed for Car Enthusiasts

If you are a car enthusiastic, then you should get this for your bathroom. Designer Shen Di has come up with +Shifter faucet that will give you the feel of a luxury car in your bathroom. The +Shifter faucet uses the perception of a car’s gearbox to change how much water we use. Instead of changing gear ratios, each position correlates to how much water flows out.


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Combination M110 Sniper Rifle with iPod Touch

It is a really cool iPhone application for shooting sports. The US Army M110 Sniper Rifle has been mounted with an iPod Touch which running the Bullet Flight external ballistics calculator. Tap in the variables such as weather conditions, ammunition type, distance to target, and wind speed before exhaling and gently squeezing back on your second amendment right. Developed by Knights Armaments, the app is available now through the iTunes store for $11.99.


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When Nikon D3 Divided by Two

When I first saw these pictures, I was left without words. Awesome! The Tokyobling blog showed these interesting shots of a Nikon D3 and 14-24 Nikkor lens cut in half for a display at December’s Tokyo Eco Products convention. For a technophile camera lover, please make sure you take a closer look what inside the Nikon camera if you using it.


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